Oral presentations are between 20 and 30 minutes duration, which includes 5 minutes for questions. Please check the synoptic table for the length of your talk.
Authors are required to upload their electronic presentation to the fileserver through their HB2018 JACOW account no less than 12 hours prior to the scheduled presentation time.
For oral presentations, a Windows-based laptop will be provided for PowerPoint presentations. (Both ppt or pptx files are okay. Please note that Keynote or Prezi files can not be accommodated.) There will be no slide projector or overhead projector. There will be no opportunity for speakers to utilize their own computers. All oral contributions to the programme will be assigned a programme code. The file name of the talk should begin with the program code, followed by '_talk'. File extensions should be of the usual self-describing type:
- MOXAP07_talk.ppt (PowerPoint), or
- MOXAP07_talk.pdf (Portable Document Format).
Authors submitting PowerPoint presentations are also kindly asked to upload their talk in PDF for inclusion into the Proceedings.
Authors who are unable to upload to the server should copy the file to a memory stick and bring it to the Proceedings Office at the Workshop venue at least one day before their talk. Please be aware that different platforms and versions of software will display differently. If authors would like to see how their talk will display on the Workshop hardware/software prior to the designated presentation time, they must do so in the Internet Café no later than 1 day ahead of the presentation time