Welcome to HB2018!
The 61st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams (HB2018) will be held in Daejeon, Korea from June 17 to June 22, 2018. The venue will be the brand new campus of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) which was established in November 2011 to promote the basic science research. The IBS is also a home to the heavy ion accelerator facility, the RAON which is under construction.
The HB workshop is the main international event for the high-intensity hadron beam community. Attendees will be presented with the latest development results and gain the latest insights. About 200 delegates and industry exhibits are expected to be in attendance. The HB consists of plenary sessions, two parallel sessions and poster sessions covering Beam Dynamics in Rings (WG-A), Beam Dynamics in Linacs (WG-B), Accelerator Systems (WG-C), Commissioning and Operations (WG-D) and Beam Instruments and Interactions (WG-E).
Daejeon is known as the science city of Korea and is a home to majority of the national laboratories and several prestigious universities. We hope that you all enjoy the HB2018 workshop and your stay in Daejeon.
Dong-O Jeon
HB2018 Chair